17 02, 2023

IFMA LIC Webinar – Digital Mailroom Workflows for Hybrid Law Firms

2023-03-13T10:49:21-07:00February 17th, 2023|Webinar|

Digital Mailroom Workflows for Hybrid Law Firms

IFMA LIC Presents: Digital Mailroom Workflows for Hybrid Law Firms

Mar 14, 20231:00pm EDT45 minutes

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Law firms benefit from a Digital Mailroom with highly configurable workflows to accommodate different office locations, variable hybrid work schedules and different types of mail.

Airmail2 enables secure, productive digital delivery of postal mail, integrated with a law firm's existing document management system.  A best practice digital mailroom is essential for hybrid law firms.

1. Digital Mailroom Requirements
2. Mailroom Workflows
3. Demonstration

Law firms benefit from a Digital Mailroom with highly configurable workflows to accommodate different office locations, variable hybrid work schedules and different types of mail.

Airmail2 enables secure, productive digital delivery of postal mail, integrated with a law firm’s existing document management system.  A best practice digital mailroom is essential for hybrid law firms.


1. Digital Mailroom Requirements
2. Mailroom Workflows
3. Demonstration


Steve Irons

Cadis Stuart-Hodges
Senior Director of Services

If you are unable to attend the live session, we will send you a link to the recording.

14 12, 2022

Reinventing Professionals Podcast – Benefits of a Digital Mailroom

2023-09-22T11:05:53-07:00December 14th, 2022|Paper2Digital Blog, Presentations and Webinars|

Benefits of a Digital Mailroom

Reinventing Professionals Podcast by Ari Kaplan

Runtime 16-minutes. Click the play button to listen now.

Host, Ari Kaplan, is an attorney, author, and leading legal industry analyst. He has been sharing interviews with industry leaders shaping the next generation of legal and professional services since 2009.

This episode originally aired on Dec-2, 2022.

Featured Legal Technology Leaders

Steve Irons and Joseph Scott discuss how Airmail2 supports remote and hybrid workplace preferences, why the proper management of scanned material directly impacts a law firm’s security protocols, and the benefits of digital mailrooms. This interview is from the Reinventing Professionals podcast episode released on December 2, 2022 and hosted by Ari Kaplan.

Steve Irons


Joseph C. Scott, J.D.

Senior Director of Client Engagement

22 09, 2023

How to Build a Business Case for a Digital Mailroom

2023-09-22T12:14:12-07:00September 22nd, 2023|Featured, Paper2Digital Blog|

How to Build a Business Case for a Digital Mailroom

As hybrid office planning continues to evolve in the majority of law firms across the country, firms can no longer rely on the typical scan-to-email-pdf approach. This cobbled together method of daily mail delivery is inefficient and it creates cybersecurity liability for the firm. This is where the Airmail2 Digital Mailroom comes in.

DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mailroom completely transforms a law firm’s paper centric mail into a secure, efficient digital operation. Airmail2 is setting the standard as a best practice for law firm digital mailrooms because of how well it facilitates hybrid work. Legal mail items contain client information that is confidential and time sensitive. Therefore, the methods for processing the daily mail digitally must incorporate the same standards applied for all client data at the firm.

The Airmail2 Digital Mailroom was engineered from the ground up to solve the security and compliance requirements of law firms with direct digital delivery of daily mail fully integrated into the firm’s document management system (DMS). Sensitive information is protected and governed by DMS best practices consistent with the firm’s information governance policy.

To upgrade a law firm mailroom with a best practice digital mailroom solution such as Airmail2, the firm’s stakeholders must gain an appreciation for the distinct differences and advantages of implementing a new digital mailroom operation. Contact us to get the Airmail2 Advantages Checklist PDF. This information helps stakeholders and leaders at the firm understand the business case as it relates to their law firm. From that point, DocSolid will help you define the scope of a project including business requirements, objectives and budgeting.

In order to achieve a digital transformation of your mailroom into a best practice digital mailroom, it is important to understand a few of the fundamental differences and advantages:

Security and Information Governance

Law firms are driven by security and information governance concerns. Legal mail items are time sensitive and they contain confidential information. The rudimentary scan-to-email-PDF approach most law firms have in place are faulty because the scanned mail items are unnamed and uncontrolled. Using this method proliferates security risks that put the firm and their client’s sensitive information at risk. Airmail2 solves this problem because a best practice digital mailroom operation delivers daily mail directly into the law firm’s DMS where confidential client information is properly secured and governed.

“Cybersecurity was a large selling point. Having the ability to securely notify the legal teams and having that password protected was huge. Our managing partner is very involved in our cybersecurity practice area and he really liked that.”

-Database Analyst, Regional Firm US
Airmail2 + NetDocuments

Cost Reduction and Efficiency
Recognize the amount of labor, quantified in people and dollars terms, that is consumed by continuing to support makeshift scan-to-email-PDF methods. A best-practice digital mailroom is labor efficient because it enables batch work that requires fewer mailroom clerical staff, reducing the cost to operate it. It also stops the wasteful mail handling time currently in the hands of attorneys and legal assistants who should not be distracted by the redundant delivery of paper mail.

Overall Business Process Improvement
Mailrooms are scanning daily mail because some of that mail belongs in the DMS. But how do you know that ever even happened? A best-practice digital mailroom closes the loop on business process because it is a comprehensive end-to-end solution for getting mail into the DMS. It accomplishes this seamlessly with built-in quality controls, automatic email notifications and operator alerts. And one more thing… The entire mail delivery cycle time is faster too.

Woman Work From Home Laptop

Attorney / Employee Experience

A best practice digital mailroom achieves an attorney-focused experience that does not require employees to change the ways they work. For mail recipients, it is a reliable daily routine, no matter where they choose to physically work on any given day. Everyone appreciates the consistent experience you get with Airmail2 automated notifications and the option of communicating back to the mailroom with the Airmail2 Hub. For a hybrid workforce, it is ideal for fee earners and staff to have a few things that they can rely on operating the same way every day. The importance of this is greater than ever as hybrid work must be scrutinized for security from every angle by the CISO – Chief Information Security Officer, Records Managers and Information Governance leaders. The daily mail is a fundamental physical office function that is mission critical for law firms. That is why secure digital delivery with Airmail2 is essential.


Labor is a one of the biggest considerations when deciding to budget for a new Digital Mailroom system. Using reasonable calculations, DocSolid has a spreadsheet tool that demonstrates how existing labor costs exceed the purchase price of the software. Use our Productivity Tool to reveal your existing mailroom costs and what you’ll find is that budgeting for a digital mailroom is a very smart choice.

With scan-to-email-PDF, or the old convention of physical mail distribution, operational labor costs add up quickly. This tends to be overlooked, but it becomes easy to see how these costs add up when the operational labor is taken into consideration for everyone that plays a part in supporting the mailroom operation. Contributing cost factors include:

  • Mailroom labor
  • Mail recipients labor
  • Quality control work
  • Physical paper mail delivery & disposition
  • Help desk, administration, IT involvement, supervision

The redundancy caused by a scan-to-email approach leads to additional labor costs that are avoided with a digital mailroom solution like Airmail2. Scanned mail has to be scanned and emailed to recipients, but in most instances, the mail is also physically delivered as well. This becomes double the amount of work for the mailroom staff, but it also adds work for recipients as they have to reconcile both the digital and physical documents while also creating the work of disposing of the physical mail once they are done with it.


The overhead costs of maintaining an inefficient mailroom operation alone makes a best practice digital mailroom operation a fiscally responsible decision for a law firm. The typical scan-to-email-PDF method is a waste of money each day it is kept in place, while the cybersecurity risks are akin to playing Russian Roulette with confidential client information. It’s impossible to align daily mail delivery with the hybrid work variability of each employee in every office location… Unless you adopt a best practice solution.

Next Steps

  • Contact us to request a copy of the complete Airmail2 Advantages Checklist.
  • Book a demonstration to learn how you can design a best practice Digital Mailroom for your firm with Airmail2.
11 10, 2022

Keeping (All) Your Documents Including Digital Mail Behind The Ethical Wall

2022-10-11T07:55:40-07:00October 11th, 2022|Paper2Digital Blog|

Keeping (All) Your Documents Including Digital Mail Behind The Ethical Wall

Remember when document management systems were implemented as a way to maintain versions of a document?  With the advent of PCs, WordPerfect, and a server to store documents on – version control was something that law firms could quickly lose control of.   Document management systems became the way to manage the authoring process – and a big upside was the ease of sharing documents.

Of course, along with the sharing of documents came the issue of over-sharing, or managing ethical walls between clients and attorneys.  This fostered the invention of ethical wall solutions which helped automate managing document sharing and access.

Today, document management systems are responsible for much more than ethical wall security.  Evolving legal requirements surrounding client confidentiality and data privacy concerns are among the risks forcing law firms to re-evaluate their technology infrastructure and policies for securing client matter information subject to an ethical wall.[1]

This is why the document management system is the technology of choice for 98% of all law firms to protect and govern sensitive client information.

When scanned mail items are trafficked outside of the DMS, a firm cannot secure or govern information nor place it behind proper ethical walls to avoid conflicts. So how could we go wrong?

 Don’t Forget the Daily Mail

The notion of scanning paper and securing the scan within the DMS seems to have been forgotten regarding daily mail, but the concerns of conflicts and need for ethical walls reside here as well.  Legal mail items contain sensitive client information. At the onset of the pandemic, most law firms cobbled together a quick fix in scan-to-email, but this method involves a variety of security risks that put law firms – and their client’s sensitive information — at risk.

Scan-to-email solutions mean vital documents are left drifting through cyber-space, often left in email inboxes or perhaps an email folder – without the security of the DMS. The solution: a best practice Digital Mailroom operation.

A best practice digital mailroom operation is the answer because it delivers documents not as email attachments but directly into the firm’s DMS where sensitive client information can be properly secured and governed — completely negating the risks created through scan-to-email. A digital mailroom utilizes intelligent, asynchronous processes to enable clerical operators to work efficiently and securely.

Not only can a best practice Digital Mailroom be created, but they already have been. DocSolid’s Airmail2 Digital Mailroom completely transforms the law firm’s paper centric mail into a secure and efficient digital operation that enables the hybrid work environment.

With Airmail2, skilled mailroom staff (those that can accurately determine appropriate client-matter-folder) can profile scanned mail items directly to the DMS.  This is accomplished without the need to provide direct access to the DMS (which should be reserved only for qualified legal staff and attorneys).  The benefit of this approach is the shift of the profiling step from legal staff or attorneys to the mailroom team.  Airmail2 also supports profiling scanned mail items by recipient (easily determined by addressing information on the mail item)  – a method that is deployed to mailroom staff who are less skilled.

The scan-to-email solutions firms conjured as a response to the pandemic were only designed as a stop gap and never intended for long-term use. The hybrid legal workplace is here to say. Airmail2 Digital Mailroom enables productive, secure delivery of daily mail directly into the DMS. Learn more about the Airmail2 and how to transform your law firm’s mailroom and institute best practice principles for security and governance in our latest white paper here.

[1] https://inoutsource.com/ethical-walls-and-confidentiality-screens-not-just-for-conflicts/ )

22 09, 2022

How Digital Mail Operations Expose Firms to Risk

2023-09-22T11:41:42-07:00September 22nd, 2022|Paper2Digital Blog|

How Digital Mail Operations Expose Firms to Risk

The article originally appeared in Legaltech News: Here

Security is a funny thing.  For it to work, you have to do it all of the time.  Wearing a seatbelt half the time isn’t a good strategy.  Wearing the seatbelt every time is.

Sending scanned images of inbound, daily mail via email attachments is a ‘scan-to-email’ method that was never intended to be a secure, permanent operation. This was only a temporary solution conjured in response to the pandemic crisis. So why are law firms still doing it this way? The only answer is that nothing bad has happened- yet.

But something bad will happen because it’s not secure.  We don’t have our seatbelts on. Sending scanned images of paper mail as email attachments creates these risks:

  • Lack of governance. When documents are sent as email attachments, the exchange occurs outside of the document management system (DMS), the technology intended to secure and govern them, multiplying risk exposure across the firm.
  • Cybersecurity risk. Along with the rise of remote work, cybersecurity threats have increased by 3x. Email attachments expose the firm to these risks.
  • Conflicts, PII and more. When an email message goes to the wrong recipient or an attachment contains personally identifiable information (PII), firms are exposed to conflicts or significant regulatory fines resulting from lack of compliance with GDPR, CCPA and other regulations.

Security and governance of their information is the number one issue keeping clients awake at night. Firms must take the right steps to secure client information from the moment it arrives. Firms that do not secure client information from the moment of arrival are at risk of an event no one wants. In short, we need to wear our seatbelts all the time.

Lack of Governance

At the most basic level, when a law firm mailroom delivers a confidential file via email attachment, the firm has no control over the document and cannot govern or secure it. Scanned mail delivered as a PDF email attachment often goes to more than one person, so the exposure is multiplied, then subject to the behavior of all receiving parties. Recipients can open attachments on their desktop, circumventing conflicts, or confidentiality, share the file with other attorneys, staff, or external entities outside the confines of the firm’s information governance policies.

And during this process, sending a document by email attachment means the file exists on the Exchange Server, not the DMS. It may then be stored in multiple locations on multiple devices including local computers, network folders, other recipients’ mobile or desktop inboxes, other mail servers and more.

 Cybersecurity Risk

Email is the #1 attack vector for cyber criminals. Users are attacked at the inbox, and the organization is attacked at the email server. Building a permanent daily mail scanning operation on top of this exposure zone is unwise, and unnecessary.

Another risk factor is wrong recipient error. Organizations with over 1,000 employees send approximately 800 misdirected emails every year. That is a rate of more than two emails per day, making it the most common type of error to cause a breach.

The System of Record is the DMS

Wrong recipient occurs most often as a result of an erroneous auto-fill in the send field – but wrong recipient is not the only risk caused by an unintended auto-fill in the send field.

The other negative consequence is unintended conflicts risk.  Email is not a technology that can check for conflicts nor build ethical walls to ensure that only the intended parties of a communication have access to that communication.

The technology for this is the document management system (DMS).

Client information arriving by postal mail needs to be scanned directly to the firm’s document management system (DMS) and be available to users only by a link to the DMS. Simply put, the DMS is the technology of choice for 98% of all law firms to protect and govern sensitive client information and why it is regarded the firm’s “system of record.”

For instance, a wrong recipient “may” occur when receiving an email with a link to the DMS, but the recipient wouldn’t be able to open the link if they were not assigned access.  That’s security.

Not only does DMS secure and govern client information but it is also the technology that helps firms comply with regulations such as The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) at scale. These regulations mandate, among other requirements, that firms be able to classify, track and, if requested, delete personal data held anywhere by the firm. This is effectively impossible with scan-to-email.

This is what it means to build a best practice solution and not an expedient solution.

 Ethical Obligations

Direct-to-DMS delivery of digital mail is not just a good idea, but potentially an ethical duty of a law firm. Several of the ABA Model Rules are particularly related to safeguarding client data, including competence (Model Rule 1.1), communication (Model Rule 1.4), confidentiality of information (Model Rule 1.6), and supervision (Model Rules 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3).

What do these duties require? When using technology, they require that we employ reasonable measures to safeguard the confidentiality of client information, that we communicate with clients about our use of technology and get informed consent from clients where appropriate, and that we supervise subordinate attorneys, law firm personnel, and service providers to ensure compliance with these duties. In comparison to the capabilities of how a DMS protects client information, email is not a reasonable measure.


Security of client information isn’t a part time job.  We’ve got to wear the seatbelt at all times and, unfortunately, the way many digital mailrooms now operate expose the firm to a multitude of risks.  We don’t need to wait for the unfortunate event to happen – firms can act on this today and install the right technology that integrates digital mail with the DMS.

17 08, 2022

DocSolid Releases Industry White Paper, “Digital Mailroom Best Practices for Governance and Security,” at ILTACON

2022-08-16T07:31:20-07:00August 17th, 2022|Press Releases|

DocSolid Releases Industry White Paper, “Digital Mailroom Best Practices for Governance and Security,” at ILTACON


PHOENIX, AZ – (August 17, 2022) – DocSolid, the legal technology experts for enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions, today announces the release of the industry white paper, “Digital Mailroom Best Practices for Governance and Security” at ILTACON.  The white paper describes the security and governance risks law firms engage in when scanning sensitive client information contained in inbound daily mail and sending as email attachments, as well as provides a detailed best practice roadmap to eliminate these risks.


2 08, 2022

DocSolid Expands Executive Leadership Team, Welcomes Industry Veteran, Joseph C. Scott, J.D., Senior Director of Client Engagement

2022-08-01T12:19:33-07:00August 2nd, 2022|Press Releases|

DocSolid Expands Executive Leadership Team, Welcomes Industry Veteran, Joseph C. Scott, J.D., Senior Director of Client Engagement


PHOENIX, AZ – (August 02, 2022) – DocSolid, the legal technology experts for enterprise scanning, workflow and paper reduction solutions, today welcomes industry veteran Joseph C. Scott, J.D., as the Senior Director of Client Engagement.  Joseph is a recognized leader in legal technology and brings a wealth of experience and industry insight that will be of immense value to DocSolid clients as they prepare for the opportunities and challenges in a post-pandemic world.  In his leadership role at DocSolid, Joseph will ensure DocSolid clients maximize the value they receive from the company’s new Airmail2 Digital Mailroom and Records Room software.


27 07, 2022

Digital Mailroom Best Practices for Governance and Security – White Paper

2023-02-17T15:43:21-07:00July 27th, 2022|Featured, White Papers and Articles|

Digital Mailroom Best Practices
for Governance and Security

White Paper

Digital Mailroom Best Practices for Governance and Security PDF
  • Information governance failures

  • Cybersecurity risk exposure

  • Compliance with privacy laws, PII, ethical walls

Email Danger Icon

Is the mailroom in your firm currently sending inbound legal mail as PDF attachments?

This puts client information at risk in terms of information governance, cybersecurity exposure, client privacy, ethical walls and more.

This white paper details these vulnerabilities and contrasts what a best practice solution looks like. A properly designed digital mailroom helps the firm secure and govern client information while improving productivity at the same time.

Key Points

  • Security risks and process challenges
  • Imperatives for mailroom information governance
  • New mailroom design for both in-office and remote work

Customer Success

DocSolid® Airmail2® Selected as Digital Mailroom by Maslon LLP, for Direct Delivery of Daily Mail to NetDocuments

“With Airmail2, sensitive mail information goes from the mailroom directly into NetDocuments, where it is protected and governed by our DMS best practices. And Airmail2 leverages our broader use of the DocSolid Paper2Digital platform, and its integrations with NetDocuments.”

– Jamie Blomquist, CIO Maslon

Customer Success

Stinson Deploys DocSolid® Airmail2® Digital Mailroom for Direct Delivery to iManage Document Management System

Inbound legal mail needs to get in the DMS, not the email system where it is delayed and exposed. Airmail2 is a digital pivot into the times ahead.”

– Steve Irons, President DocSolid

Fill out this form for immediate, complimentary access to this white paper

DocSolid Logo 150px

Secure digital delivery of daily legal mail with direct-to-DMS integrations

iManage or NetDocuments

15 06, 2022

Understanding Clients’ IG and RIM Best Practices with Cadis Stuart-Hodges

2022-06-15T13:03:30-07:00June 15th, 2022|Paper2Digital Blog|

Understanding Clients’ IG and RIM Best Practices with Cadis Stuart-Hodges

Cadis Stuart-Hodges, IGP, CRM

We spoke with Cadis Stuart Hodges, IGP, CRM, who joined DocSolid earlier this year as Senior Director of Services.  Prior to joining DocSolid, Cadis spent over 15 years inside of law firm’s IG and Records departments and was the Director of Records for Drew, Eckl & Farnham.

Since she joined, Cadis has been overseeing DocSolid’s Consulting and Professional Services divisions, adding value to clients’ IG and RIM best practices for Airmail2 Digital Mailroom and Digital Records Room implementations. We caught up with her to see how her new role is going.

DocSolid:  How do you see your role as Senior Director of Services at DocSolid?

Cadis: I am in the constellation DocSolid management helping to make sure that our implementation staff and our consultants have everything they need to serve our customers. Helping the services staff and even our sales people have a good view of the important parts of the information governance journey for law firms is also part of my day to day. My role is to make sure that our customers have the best experience while also ensuring their Airmail2 and records room solution is an industry best practice for all the firm’s important processes:  IG, records, and security.

DocSolid:  Why is IG, security and records and information management important for a digital mail room?

Cadis: The most important reason is risk  management which is a huge part of the  legal landscape. The thing that you are always trying to do is to keep your risk as low as possible as a law firm. It’s how you build procedures. It’s why you have client guidelines.

Your biggest areas for risk is your client information.  That’s the client’s trust in you, that’s your bread and butter, how you’re working every day. The last thing that you want to do is put a process in place that keeps your client information less secure or exposes you and your client to an external threat that could have been prevented.

The way that IG helps you manage that is by creating and implementing the processes around that information that keep it secure.  You need to know at all times where your data lives, what format it’s in and how you are transmitting that information around your firm.

Airmail2 closes a huge gap in that risk because Airmail2 does not put client information out into your whole system. With Airmail2, you’re putting your information directly where it needs to go–the DMS–because your DMS is where you govern all of your data, all of your document information, all of your client information, your mail ingestion, your emails back and forth, your documents that you produce for work, your client produced documents–all of that is governed in the DMS.

With Airmail2, you’ve got an end to end, auditable process. It gives you the pathway to ingest information and put it directly where it needs to be governed—in the DMS—which reduces a firm’s risk immeasurably.

When you’re doing things in a more hodgepodge way, you’re attaching stuff to email or you’re having people open PDFs on their phones, or they’re forwarding PDFs, or they’re sending a copy to themselves and the entire team. There’s no definitive version of that information. You don’t know who’s going to put it into the DMS or if it will make it there at all.

You avoid all of that by having a definitive copy that is immediately put into the DMS from the Airmail2 system.

 DocSolid: Give us an example of a specific IG challenge that our clients have been facing.

Cadis: A common resistance we face is that people still want a copy of that PDF in their email—when what they really need is what we provide:  a direct link to the DMS that opens the document directly. I think a challenge that we’re currently facing is that people want to have that information on the go and what we help them to understand is that they need their document management systems to be what is available on the go, not PDFs in your email.  Best practice is never to have that PDF in your email at all, this is something that we help firms understand.

DocSolid: Have you had some recent successes in helping some clients improve their IG policy around their digital mail room?

There are several recent success stories at a wide range of firms – from a 100+ attorney firm to one of the world’s largest firms–where DocSolid came in and looked at their process and revamped them all together. These firms were all-in immediately and completely prioritized IG and security of their client information. A key factor, especially in the larger firm, was the top down leadership endorsement of the project which essentially did not allow for deviation from our IG-driven processes for digital mail.

Overall, I am seeing more and more firms understand the importance of the governance piece and that is a victory—for the firms. Security of information is driving it – and the dovetailing of security with governance is a trend we will see more of and a positive one if it pushes firms to implement best practice processes over their sensitive client information.

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